Joyce Ivy College Admissions Symposium Expands Reach in Fourteenth Year


The Joyce Ivy Foundation is excited to announce the fourteenth annual Joyce Ivy College Admissions Symposium (JCAS) on May 17th in Troy, Michigan. JCAS offers a comprehensive introduction to holistic college admissions and financial aid through a day of interactive workshops. These will be led by officers from some of the nation’s most selective colleges and universities, including Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Mount Holyoke College, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Williams College. The symposium is free of charge and open to the public. 

For the first time, the symposium is open to all students, not just young women. The Joyce Ivy Foundation also invites parents, siblings, and educators to join. Joyce Ivy’s mission is to raise the college and career aspirations of the Midwest’s next generation of female leaders, and programming will retain its focus on empowering women and their communities at large. 

“We’re happy to be able to extend the educational reach of the Joyce Ivy College Admissions Symposium,” said Elizabeth Harlow, Joyce Ivy’s Director for Strategy and Growth. “Too many students struggle to access adequate support to navigate a complex, evolving higher education landscape. Michigan ranks 48th in the nation for college counseling resources, and JCAS provides much needed, high quality information.”

“JCAS allowed me to connect with other students like me, which boosted my confidence in my own abilities. It also helped my family better understand my strengths and the importance of a college education,” said Habiba Chowdhury, a Hamtramck High School senior and alumna of Joyce Ivy’s signature Summer Scholars Program.

“We are thrilled to revamp our annual symposium with the addition of new workshops, including a case-study where students and families can learn to read applications just like an admissions officer and imagine themselves at the committee table,” said Khushi Patel, Joyce Ivy’s Director of Programming and a 2019 Summer Scholar. “This year’s JCAS will truly be special.”

Attendees can expect engaging panel discussions, keynote presentations, and an interactive application case study led by college admissions officers. Topics will cover cutting edge developments in selective college admissions, including the role of artificial intelligence in the admissions process, trends in standardized testing, and discussion of how federal policy changes might impact students. Capacity is limited and we encourage registration soon. Students can learn more at